Geographical Information System

Geographical Information System, also known as GIS, is a system used for capturing, store, analyzing and interpreting spatial data. Apps such as, Google Maps, Google Earth, Google Street and GPS (Global Positioning System) is a type of GIS. In past five weeks, every Friday afternoon, a couple of other Liger students and I have been going to a GIS training course at Open Development Cambodia, a non-governmental organization in Phnom Penh that runs a “Open Data” website. Throughout the course I learned about different types of files (.sph, .dbf,..) and how to use ArcMap to create maps.

Below are some of the products:

A map of my province
A map of Cambodia (2014)

Research Paper and Book Structure

In khmer class we observe how different books have different components to them, for example, some books (Khmer) doesn’t have a synopsis or acknowledgement. We also learned about writing a research paper and sources we can use.


We are currently learning about static equilibrium, friction and inclined planes. During the learning of concepts, I know new words like unbalanced force, static friction, kinetic friction, f_max and static equilibrium. We also used Khan Academy to practice those skills in general or when preparing for a quiz/test in addition to review questions given by our facilitator.

This is one of the questions we did:

Inclined planes: **Hard problem** A box of mass M = 10 Kg rests on a 35° inclined plane with the horizontal. A string is used to keep the box in equilibrium(this means all the forces are balanced). The string makes an angle of 25 ° with the inclined plane. The coefficient of friction between the box and the inclined plane is 0.3.

Draw the forces acting on the box, including all components.
Determine the tension force applied to the string. (You may find that you have two equations with two unknowns…think about what you usually have to do in this kind of situation.)
We are currently learning about static equilibrium, friction and inclined planes. During the learning of concepts, I know new words like unbalanced force, static friction, kinetic friction, f_max and static equilibrium. We also used Khan Academy to practice those skills in general or when preparing for a quiz/test in addition to review questions given by our facilitator.

First PSAT

Since the start of the school year I’ve been working on the SAT prep using Khan Academy for both math and literacy. For my first PSAT, I felt very nervous although I know that this is just to measure my progress and what I need to focus on. For the math section, I found most of the questions hard since I’ve never learned them before and got them wrong, but in result I have more to practice and learn to prepare for my next PSAT.

“Coming of Age” Narrative

“I’m thirteen now; it’s been five years since I arrived Liger as a lost and confused young girl. Five years since I made more than 50 friends because we have the juniors now. I’ve learned how to cook, clean, look after myself and manage my time. This isn’t the end yet, I still have many more steps and time for me to develop from a seed to a tree and be able to give out fruits. This means that I have to be determined, to work hard in order to become successful then give out those knowledge and help other people in my country, Cambodia.”

This is an excerpt from my narrative where I talked about changes that were kind of hard for me to adapt to. During this writing process I learned about parallel sentences, comma usage, being descriptive and precise.


This year’s theme for the ISPPMUN was “Collaboration Not Confrontation”. I was in the General Assembly 3 (GA3) as the delegate of Algeria with many other students from different schools from Phnom Penh, Siem Riep and Vietnam. The three focused topics in my committee were the questions of Suitable Working Conditions and Worker’s Rights, Gender Wage Gap, and Combating Hate Groups. Going to the conference grounded helped me feeling more confident when debating or writing resolutions but it was affected when I found out I was the main submitter for my teams resolution (The question of gender wage gap). My first time going up to the podium to read all the operative clauses and answer questions from any delegate in the room was terrifying for me, but I believe this could help with my future MUNs and debating events. I learned a lot from this experience and am looking forward to joining more in the near future.