TEDx is a local branch of the TED event. I receive the opportunity to help organize the TEDxISPP alongside five other Liger students as well as six ISPP students. I found this pretty challenging since it was my first time organizing an event, however with the help of my peers I survived the seven weeks. We designed t-shirts, helped edit speaker’s speeches and made sure they follow the TEDx rules such as no political statements, separating facts from opinion, no commercials for business, etc. We also had to manage the budget given, although we didn’t have to worry about prices since it was already set from last year’s TEDx event. Looking at TEDx in general from an organizer perspective was new to me. Seeing the guests really enjoyed their experiences, speakers were well prepared, everything ran smoothly and had little to no problem made me feel satisfied with all the work we’ve put into making this happen. Of course in the process of planning there were some problems such as speakers having trouble expressing themselves, so as organizers, guiding and and giving clear, kind comments or suggestions is very important.